Udhiyah/Qurbani project

Assalamu Alaykum WRWB. We are fast approaching the sacred month of Dhul Hijjah and blessed holiday Eid ul Adha.

We are now taking orders for Qurbani, the animal sacrifice that will be made in your name according to Sunnah. Every Qurbani will be verified when complete.

These meats will be distributed to some of the poorest villages around the world. We have identified towns in Mali, Tanzania, West Bengal, and in several states in India. In these villages, this is often the only meat these people eat all year.

Please provide your name and address by executing the following Give Qurbani Button.

Assalamu Alaykum. Water Wish NFP is once again collecting orders for Qurbani-slaughtered meat to distribute to very poor areas throughout India.Cows are $xxx each and Goats are $xxx each. Please sponsor an animal sacrifice to brighten up the meal of many adults and children, and to provide a joyful treat for people who only get to eat meat protein but once a year. These villages are so remote, that your donation might be the only way these families can get meat because they are so poor.

Don’t delay, do it today!

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In order to make a donation we ask you to please follow these instructions:

  • Donate by Quick Pay :
  • Donate by PayPal.me :
  • Donate Direct to Bank Account
    • Contact us for Bank Detail.

Note: Please Fill out this form before making your payment for our records.


Donation Total: $20 One Time